Classroom Reading Partners

Classroom Reading Partners

As part of our literacy initiative, Classroom Reading Partners provides service opportunities while distributing books into the Title One schools in the community.

Volunteers visit schools and distribute a book to each student and then read aloud the book or a book by the same author. Approximately 3,000 books are distributed each year through this and various other book distribution opportunities.


Partners in Outreach is a beneficiary of the Barnes & Noble Holiday Book Drive each year.  We also receive tremendous support from KPMG through the First Books Program. The First Books Program allows us to purchase books throughout the year as needed. We are so grateful for these contributions from Barnes & Noble and KPMG. We could not continue this project without their support!


Participating schools and organizations are identified and arrangements are made through the reading specialist and school principal. A sign-up genius is created and distributed to our volunteers as an invitation to participate in this program. One or two volunteers are needed for each classroom. The reading specialist suggests the type of books and quantity for each grade.

We then gather and place books in a PIO tote bag for each classroom and have them ready for the service date. Volunteers bring the books to distribute before or after they read the book to the class. The books are often all the same or by the same author.

Interested in Volunteering?

Visit our Get Involved page to see the volunteer roles for this program. You will be able to see the responsibilities, time requirements, resources, and the program coordinator contact information.


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