Operation Easter Basket

bshs easter baskets 2019-3.JPG

Operation Easter Basket

Operation Easter Basket is a great service opportunity for schools, sports teams or anyone who wants to help out!

Over 1,000 baskets were assembled and distributed this past season. Each basket includes 10-12 items and a brand new, age-appropriate book!

The baskets are uniform, gender neutral and divided in 4 age categories for children aged 0-14.

The Process



Schools and volunteers work with the program coordinator to collect and purchase supplies for the baskets. Items are typically purchased through AmazonSmile wishlists or through “Sign Up Genius”.


Basket assembly is always a fun and exciting service project. Buckets, wrapping, and ribbons are provided. Partners in Outreach collaborate with the schools to secure the specific content. Volunteers walk an assembly line filling each basket and labeling by age group. Each basket typically includes a new book, a pair of socks, a toothbrush, and a small stuffed animal. The additional items will depend on the age group!


Baskets are loaded onto a truck after assembly, labeled by age group and briefly stored until they are ready for delivery. Volunteers then distribute Easter baskets along with Easter Outfits based on age group.

A special thank you to our partner schools who have contributed to and assembled baskets with us!

Would your school, sports team, or friend group like to volunteer?

Visit our Get Involved page to see the volunteer roles for this program. You will be able to see the responsibilities, time requirements, resources, and the program coordinator contact information.


Operation Easter Outfit


Summer Camp Partners